You Are Going To Get Access To All Of These 

5 Free Sample Video Workouts To Try My Training Style ($300 value)
LIVE (Zoom Call) Consultation With Me ($75 value)
Access To Private Facebook Community (priceless)
BBG Weekly Lifestyle Challenge (priceless)
BBG Weekly Recipes ($20 value)
Weekly Newsletter With Actionable Information ($79 value)
Daily Online Workout with Fitness Pro (safe, fun, progressive fitness training at home) ($75 value)

I have several online fitness programs for you to choose! 

10 Minute Trainer - 57 workouts and counting that take around 10 minutes of your time

Weekly Tabatas - 13 week course with High Intensity Interval Training Protocol (20-30 min/day)

Polish A$$ - 30 Day Squat Challenge 

Inbox Fitness Trainer - 60 Day Fat Loss Program For Women (15-20 min/day)

Daily Workout With BBG Team - 500+ daily workouts as they are being recorded at my studio (45 min/day)

WD-40 Workout - 50 basement workouts and counting to improve your flexibility, join mobility, well-being. (30 min/day)

Corona Virus Workout - The workout program we did during "Stay-at-home Order" during Corona Virus Outbreak. (45 min/day)

There are over 700 hours of content and of course we can schedule online LIVE Workout for you too.

Just Fill Out The Form And Let's Get Started!  

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