Workout3 - Personal Trainer Columbus Ohio, Body by Greg, Personal Training

Today's workout is an exempt from my program called Polish A$$. After a knee injury I had to rehabilitate myself to be able to continue my training so I decided to put together this program. I needed a good name for it and it happened that I was watching TV while a commercial for Brazilian Booty came on. My brain lighted up immediately and this is how Polish A$$ was born 🙂 

Now you can see one of those workouts here on this page and if you would like more information about it go check out the entire course at the following page ----->>>> click here

Consult with your doctor or health care practitioner before starting this or any fitness program. Enter at your own risk. 

Legs on fire ha? 🙂 

We train like this at my studio all the time to make sure that you learn something new and something that stimulates your body to adapt. 

Tomorrow I will send you a workout video from one of my morning training sessions with my clients. So you can get a sneak peak into what's going on in the Body by Greg studio. 

Don't miss tomorrow's email 


Procrastination Is The Enemy Of Success!


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