Power Up - Personal Trainer Columbus Ohio, Body by Greg, Personal Training

Power Up - Simply The Best! 

My favorite Slim Down Tips:

1. You can never out exercise a bad diet. Start eating whole
foods and stay away from junk now (duh on the second part..
but the first part, remember that you can NEVER work off
a caramel frappucino with some cardio).

2. When eating out make sure you ask the waiter to fill up your
plate with two servings of veggies rather than the mandatory carb
that comes along with it.

3. Always write down goals for yourself. Don't type them.

4. Make sure those goals are so out of this world that everyone
will be looking at you like you are crazy. Shoot for the stars
and you'll end up in the clouds. It's so cliche but true.

5. Take a before picture of yourself. Front, side and back.

6. Front load your carbs in the beginning of the day. On workout
days you can have more than normal carbs. Non workout days I
would really watch it especially at night.

7. Drink water. A dehydrated body will not lose fat. 0.5 l oz per 1 lbs of body weight per day.

8. To burn the most fat in the least amount of time, 99% of the
time do full body circuit training workouts with little to no
rest in between.

9. Don't take fat loss advice from someone that doesn't look like
they practice what they preach (they have to have a butt, if you ask

10. You will end up living up to the expectations of everyone
else around you. Put yourself in the company of people who
have achieved what you already want to achieve.

11. There is no one perfect fat loss program.

12. There are only a few fat loss principles.

13. If you screw up (which you will eventually do) don't beat
yourself up for slipping up. Focus on the solution rather than
the problem.

14. Thoughts equal things. Focus on what you want ie. Flat
stomach, toned thighs etc.. rather than what you don't want ie.
"I don't want to get fat", "I don't want to eat badly" etc..

15. Always aim for the "Afterburn effect". Afterburn happens
when you end a day of exercise but an hour later you are
still sweating from the workout. This is your metabolism on
FIRE. This is done through different forms of circuit training,
tabata training, etc. just like at boot camp.

16. Buy clothing that is a size or two down from what you
normally wear. Make it your goal to fit into that piece of
clothing in two months.

17. Fitness classes (Step classes, fake weight classes, tae-bo,
Zumba classes, etc...) are fun but ineffective at helping you
burn fat and achieve the body you want to achieve. Avoid them at
all costs (it’s a waste of time, unless you’re in it to mingle with other

18. Yoga is awesome for developing an injury resistant body
but horrible for fat loss. An average yoga class burns 130
calories. Sweeping your floor burns 130 calories.

19. Doing exercise with a friend is the best way to stick to a
workout program.

20. If you do exercise with a friend, make sure they are AS
SERIOUS AS YOU ARE in terms of achieving your goals.

21. PLEEEEAAASSSEEE! Don't do long boring cardio. Do interval

22. Adopt a long term mindset when trying to achieve a goal.
Nothing happens overnight. We live in an instant gratification
society where we want things done FAST. Tip: Accuracy is speed.

23. Stop rationalizing. We rationalize and lie to ourselves to
soften the blow. We gotta be radically honest with ourselves and
push for the solution.

24. Stay outside of your comfort zone as much as you can. Doing
uncomfortable things will result in more confidence, more growth
as a human being and more skills.

25. Intensity EQUALS results.

Just focus on your goals, persevere and you'll get to where you
need to be in no time.


Procrastination Is The Enemy Of Success!


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Greg Jasnikowski - Your Personal Trainer and Friend. Operating a private personal training studio and providing services to Columbus Ohio communities since 2008.